Stuttering is a complex, even mysterious disorder, and like
all mysteries it is wrapped in myth. Certain myths recur.
Early in my career I worked with a 14-year old boy who was
told by his family that he “caught” stuttering outside a store when he was
three and a half, by imitating someone he heard who was stuttering. The
stuttering went into him, took him over, and that was that. He was possessed.
That stuttering can be caught is a remarkably enduring
myth, hobbling families and children alike. It takes away agency. It over simplifies. It is frightening.
Myths can drive otherwise rational people to hold crazy thoughts in their heads.
An important part of stuttering therapy is debunking myths
about stuttering. Here are some other common myths about stuttering (National Stuttering Association):
- People who stutter are shy and self-conscious.
- Stuttering is caused by emotional trauma.
- People who stutter are less intelligent or capable.
- Stuttering is caused by bad parenting.
Over to You
What do you think caused your stuttering or your child’s
stuttering? How could your origin story could be holding you back?